High Wine

A culinary trip to the polder. Enjoy a tasteful 4-course high wine with matching wines at Restaurant Gusta. Let's wine down!


Four dishes with matching wines | € 42.50 per person


Each dish has the size of an intermediate dish. Be surprised by the chef's flavors. The menu consists of fish, vegetarian and meat dishes. Dietary requirements or allergies? Please et us know!


The high wine can be described as a pleasant afternoon sitdown. This means that the starting time of the high wine can be booked between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM



Because of the preparations for the High Wine, we ask you to book this in advance. This is possible via the contact form. Would you like to make a reservation for the next day ? Then please call 0222 311 237. Then we will look at the possibilities together.

*More than 8 persons? No problem! We are happy to assist you by telephone



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